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How to use an Infielder’s Tee

How to use an Infielder’s Tee

How to use an Infielder’s Tee 1920 1080 U.S. Baseball Academy

What is an Infielder’s Tee? 

An infielder’s tee is a training tool that is used to help players improve their fielding skills. It consists of a rubber base that is placed on the ground, with a telescoping rod that extends upwards and has a ball attached to the top. The ball can be adjusted to different heights and angles, allowing players to practice fielding ground balls, line drives, and fly balls. 

Infielder’s tees are often used by coaches to help players work on their footwork and body positioning when fielding the ball, as well as their throwing mechanics. They can also be used to help players improve their reaction time and quickness when fielding balls hit at different speeds and angles. Infielder’s tees are particularly useful for helping young players develop proper fielding technique, as they allow players to get a lot of reps in a controlled environment.

How to Set Up

  1. Place the tee set-up to where we set-up our feet in a proper position and then we can go ahead and progress into a throwing motion.
  2. Have the right foot dropped slightly back, knees flexed, and sit nice and low with the back side.
  3. Have your gloves positioned palms up and facing the ball. Have a good top hand on top of the ball and eyes looking out where the ball’s coming into the field in position. 

How to do Fielding Drills with Infielder’s Tee

  1. When the pitcher’s going through his motion, step into the circle-focus. 
  2. It’s a good athletic position with the knees flexed, hands out in front. Ready to react, in, out, forward, and back. 
  3. When the ball is hit, go up and around, set-up properly with knees bent, back low, good tophand, and eyes up in front. 

How to do Fielding Drills with Infielder’s Tee with Throwing Motion

  1. Draw 3 arrows on the ground by the tee to represent 1st base, home plate, and 3rd base.
  2. When the pitcher’s going through his motion, step into the circle-focus. 
  3. When the ball is hit, go up and around, and set-up. 
  4. Go into throwing motion.
  5. Put the ball back on the tee and hustle back.

An infielder’s tee is a useful tool, especially during the pre-season. It can be used to help players improve their fielding skills and develop proper technique, as well as to provide players with an opportunity to get a lot of repetitions in a controlled environment. This is one of the drills utilized in our US Baseball Academy camps. If you want to learn more about the upcoming baseball camps near you, contact us today at 866-622-4487!