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Hitting Drills

Two-Tee Extension Drill

Two-Tee Extension Drill 1920 1080 U.S. Baseball Academy

What is the Importance of Drill Exercise? In essence, drills give players the repeated exposure to a skill that is necessary for them to advance through the stages of skill…

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Flamingo Drill

Flamingo Drill 1920 1080 U.S. Baseball Academy

Why are Hitting Drills Important? Like all other game skills, hitting ought to be taught in a step-by-step progression, starting with the capacity to merely make contact. Hitting can be…

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Top Hand Tee Drill

Top Hand Tee Drill 1920 1080 U.S. Baseball Academy

Why Do You Need to Improve Your Hitting Skills? All baseball players strive for a powerfully built upper and middle body backed up by a strong but flexible lower body.…

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Sacrifice Bunt: Are You Willing to Sacrifice for Your Team?

Sacrifice Bunt: Are You Willing to Sacrifice for Your Team? 1920 1080 U.S. Baseball Academy

How to Sacrifice Bunt in Baseball? The sacrifice bunt is kind of a lost art in today’s game at the higher level, but it’s very important to be able to…

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